At a pound a month on a ship of the Allan Line going out to Canada. 在阿伦航运公司往加拿大的一艘轮船上,每月工资一镑钱。
Besides transporting troops for Chiang Kai-shek, the U.S. air force bombed and sank the cruiser Chungking, which had mutinied against the Kuomintang. [ 4] The Dreadnaught is plagued by a number of design flaws that prevented it from becoming a preeminent ship of the line. 美国的空军除替蒋介石运兵外,又炸沉了起义的重庆号巡洋舰⑷。无畏级重型巡洋舰有着一系列的设计缺陷,使它无法成为一种卓越的舰种。
The andromeda's a high guard ship of the line with a wide range of combat capabilities. 仙女座号是一艘高度防卫并且携带高能战斗武器的战舰。
The Dreadnaught is plagued by a number of design flaws that prevented it from becoming a preeminent ship of the line. a United States warship larger than a destroyer and smaller than a cruiser. 无畏级重型巡洋舰有着一系列的设计缺陷,使它无法成为一种卓越的舰种。美国的一种比驱逐舰大比巡航舰小的战舰。
This paper offers the calculation principal of ship positioning by observing the bearing and altitude of a single celestial body for the equation line of position with distance and bearing and by overlap calculation for the observed position. 文章给出了将观测单一天体方位、高度而得到的距离和方位位置线方程线性化,用迭代计算法求解观测船位的定位计算原理。
According to the demands in the view and background of ship handling simulator, an imaging geometric model of overlapped images is constructed in the paper, then a mosaic and smoothness arithmetic method based on parallel line on the same depth plane is proposed. 本文根据船舶操纵模拟器对视景和背景实景图像拍摄的具体要求,依据三维成像几何理论,建立相邻重叠图像的成像几何模型。
The relationship between ship movement and the tensile force is still analyzed in the case of different length of the mooring line. 自动纤维、纱线强伸测定仪并简要分析了不同出缆长度情况下,船舶运动对缆绳张力的影响。
Pirate ransom as a general average and be apportioned between the ship and cargo in a reasonable way, dispersed the perils of the ocean shipping, in line with the value of general average system. 海盗赎金作为共同海损在船东与货主之间合理分摊,有利于分散海上风险,符合共同海损制度的价值。
If the ship can safely berthing, must ensure that the parallel berthing, maintenance of ship and the pier parallel to the line end to end. 如果使船舶能够安全靠泊,必须保证平行靠泊,保持船舶首尾线与码头平行。